In this article I will discuss the basic theory of operation of solar systems. Why is it important?
These devices are about to become an integral part of your life. Energy costs are out of control. Photovoltaic devices provide means for safe and inexpensive to collect the incredible power that bars from the sun.
Light consists of tiny packets of energy called quanta (they are also called "photons" for all you fans of Star Trek) are produced. These nuggets pack enough lightWallop. They hit the atoms in the solar collectors and bring some 'of the electrons from their orbits, because the plates are coated with a special photovoltaic material. With ordinary materials to achieve this is usually not much, but in this case PV material, electrons flow in one direction.
One way to describe how the white ball on a pool table in the very clean, tidy group of balls at the other end of the table. The dispersal of all balls. If youPoint your pool table a little ', all the balls scattered eventually move to the end of the bed table. This occurs in a photovoltaic system. For reasons that explain this article, the flow of electrons to the potential "lower".
This is called an electric current. Put together enough of these, and you can use any device. From the nature of electricity from such sources of energy of a current that flows in one direction. It 'important torealize that the electricity from all such units is direct current that is fed into a battery for storage. This is alright if you are charging your cell phone. On the other hand, any device you want to energize that is plugged into the wall will need something called an inverter.
An inverter takes the direct current from the battery that you are using to store energy and changes it into alternating current which is the power in the wall receptacle in your house. This will be the subject of another article.
Solar electrics last for decades. Just keep them clean and they will serve you forever. Look at the solar panels on the little Mars rovers. Incredibly brutal environment and they are still going great guns years later.
Learn as much as you can about alternative energy. It is going to play a large part in your future and solar panels will lead the way. The more you know, the more you will save.